Oral History with S Trimble, February 2020
Title of Oral History
Oral History with S Trimble, February 2020
Moving to Mississauga at the age of six, Dr. S Trimble stayed in the Mississauga region until the beginning of university. Also known as T, she is a professor of Women and Gender Studies at the University of Toronto St. George Campus. She began to explore her gender at a young age with influences of celebrities and online Queer communities. While also struggling with a strict Anglican Church and finding groups like the 519-youth group, to support her in high school. Currently, her focus is on providing guidance to her students and being a role-model to enhance their experiences at the University of Toronto.
Name of Narrator
S. Timble
Names of Interviewer Team
Trinity Halla, interviewer
Date of Interview
Oral History Interview
Oral History Interview
Location that the Narrator is discussing
Mississauga, ON, Canada
The time frame described in the interview.
file format
53 minutes, 13 seconds
Copyright holder
Narrator transfers all copyrights, and other intellectual and proprietary rights and waives all moral rights.
CC license
Narrator transfers all copyrights, and other intellectual and proprietary rights and waives all moral rights he/she/they hold in the materials to The ArQuives and to the University of Toronto Libraries and Archives, jointly, with the agreement that each archive has the right to license these materials, subject to any privacy and consent restrictions or any other restrictions, for non-commercial research, scholarly, or other educational purposes pursuant to a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (by-nc) license.