Oral History with Leah Kozlowicz, February 2020


Title of Oral History
Oral History with Leah Kozlowicz, February 2020
Leah Kozlowicz attended Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Secondary School and is currently pursuing a degree from Laurier University. She describes the ways in which she first began to come to terms with being bisexual, specifically in reference to some television and movie characters. She also speaks to the difficulties of being bi and revealing her sexuality to her current boyfriend. She also mentions the general difficulties of coming out to her family who may find her sexuality as difficult to understand. Leah also speaks about the accepting friend group that she had during high school and the space that she took on with them.
Name of Narrator
Leah Kozlowicz
Names of Interviewer Team
Tasha Bikic, interviewer
Date of Interview
Oral History Interview
Oral History Interview
Location that the Narrator is discussing
Mississauga, ON, Canada
The time frame described in the interview.
file format
27 minutes, 37 seconds
Copyright holder
Narrator/interviewee transfers all copyrights, and other intellectual and proprietary rights and waives all moral rights
CC license
Narrator/interviewee transfers all copyrights, and other intellectual and proprietary rights and waives all moral rights he/she/they hold in the materials to The ArQuives and to the University of Toronto Libraries and Archives jointly, with the agreement that each archive will license these materials, subject to any privacy and consent restrictions or any other restrictions, for commercial and non-commercial research, scholarly, or other educational purposes pursuant to a Creative Commons Attribution Commercial 4.0 International (by-nc) license.
Site pages
LGBTQ+ in Peel